

Oh old tree
oh old tree, what fortune now
do you foresee? what of fate?
what of life or death?
tell me now my old tree
your wise warnings I'll heed.

for you've seen the smiles
of my forefathers, and witnessed
the births of my fathers,
now you stand old and weary
by the seasons that came
before me.

tell me of the moments that slipped
past time, silent like death,
tell me of your memories my wise
tree, when I touch you, I can hear
the voices of my forefathers
who came before me.

your roots are shaken by violent gales
oh wise tree, I will make fire
from your branches, and keep
myself warm across winter,
but I'll not shun, the whispers
in the fire, I'll listen to your words
and those of my grandparents
whilst they sat under your shade
for years and years.

© Lundi Ncuthu