

Delicacy of flowers

Delicate its buds,
blossom to signifies the beauty of love and admiration to the people,you love to appreciate their value in your life.
Delicacy of flowers is very soft to touch to their petals.
Their petals intertwined to form an aura of positivity of admiration to the beauty.
Love you address through the bouquet of flowers...their fragrance steal the show of attraction towards those you gave it...
Appreciations and gesture of admiration is denoted by the flowers given as a present to be bloom like the essence of flowers which attire with elegance of petals and sophistication of buds to leaf.
Each color of flowers is the speculation of messages of its convey with the Gestures of loving admiration .
Each color signifies the different meaning to convey the potential it's hold within the message in flowers....
Flowers signifies the beauty of memories to thanking the presence of the person.
The flower's beauty lies in the softness of petals and their twining petals to form cursively the pattern of Love it's speaks.

© Er.Parul Singh
