

Because we won!
I dropped on the bed
My body couldn't take it anymore
Legs aching! Head throbbing!
I was messed up

That dreadful sound reached my ears
My mother was coughing. Again!
I sat upright
“Maa, are you alright?”
“Yes! Yes! I am good!”
I calmed down
Cramped myself in the small bed
Around me was a mess
Clothes, thermometers, masks!
Oximeters, medicines, and pain!
We tested positive,
All four of US!
We faced it all!

Mom’s serious lung infection
Dad’s dropping oxygen levels
Sister’s panic attacks
My never-ending weakness
Yes! We faced it all!

Piles of medicines all around
Vapors surrounding us
That irritating beeping sound everywhere
When the thermometer became our best friend
No strength to walk
No energy to cook
Soup and Maggi!
Yes! That kept us alive
Yes! We faced it all!

From nebulizers to steroids
Those dingy hospital rooms
Thousands of ambulances around
The phone ringing
Thousand times a day
Some real well-wishers
Rest fake show-offs
Yes! We faced it all!

Doctor’s reassuring smile
Hospital staff’s committed treatment
Family’s selfless support
Friends’ endless kindness
Strangers’ unexpected help
People going out of their ways
Spreading humanity! Saving lives!
Yes! We got it all!

News of loss
Pierced my heart
My heart cried
Yet I kept believing
Kept hoping
Yes! We felt it all!

Father says, “We are Reborn”
I say, “Yes! We fought hard.
And I am truly grateful
Because we won!”
© Sanika #LifeChangingContest