

Alight my Heart, Mind and Soul.
A lounge packed once more with people from everywhere all with a story untold seeking a place of rest. Various tables or couches set up for the sole purpose of watching the stage and who walks on it.

"Set Alight my heart, mind and soul.

Let this not be remembered as my declaration of love for you.

Instead remember the promise once made to set you free of all shackles.

So use my burning flames to become a Phoenix and soar.

Cover the sky with majestic color and looming shadows.

Let us down below lament what was lost when we had you.

So fly my dearest Phoenix because if only one can fly then I chose you.

Let me as the final shackle to this earth set you free in all the glory and flare you deserve.

One day I too shall rise as a Phoenix and follow after every trail.

Even if I must walk every step first in the lands of hell itself."

This is a place of words that selected individuals speak and sometimes they are songs. Everything spoken here is often unspoken thoughts of another or words unsaid even. So we walk on this familiar stage to release our own unspoken words or thoughts. We will never receive a crowd applauding us but at least they resonate.

I have walked on this stage many times before but my words are like a puzzle never decreasing in volume. Each piece I throw away by speaking comes back with other pieces never considered or thought of leaving me exhausted.

I wonder how many ways we can profess our love for another before we finish a puzzle. I decorate my mental world with many broken puzzles and some unfinished. Does that make me mentally ill or simply depressed I often wonder yet for me that was never possible. Because in order to speak my words I need sanity of mind and body before my soul is at peace.

Exiting the stage always lifted a weight from my body that never existed before and it still remains unidentified. Taking a seat at the bar I finish this strawberry cocktail that always waits for me. The taste is repulsive yet refreshing which is a perfect cocktail of conflict.

My night ends in a candle light room lacking any furnishing besides a bed set on the floor. A place I can curl up on and hope for my new day to vanish finally. Because sleep is where everything waits for me patiently, my perfect world, truly free to look in the sky for the flying Phoenix I set free.
© Seekerxxlight