

Please, Join now @unitedlov on facebook
*United Love* is a global platform that I'm hosting and it is where i showcase poems that i will write with people all over the world for the purpose of Glorifying God.
People could share their personal experiences with God, I'll take that testimony or experience and compose it into a poem....then I'll write a poem and synchronize it to your poem(or write-up)
Hence, making a collaborative poem.
Also, for those that are poets, i give them topics with it specifics to write on.
My intention is for it to be a blessing for someone else...to be impartful...giving someone out there hope and encouragement...All to the Glory of God.
God is Love
And He united us all when He made us all members of the body of Christ
Therefore, we stand United and We care for the wounded, the pained, the people that are hurting.
This is what this project is all about.

*United Love*