

Path Of Life
The eternal journey of life always ends beneath.
Eternal paths we tread, beneath the sky's vast dome,
Each step a story, from birth until we roam
To the final rest, where silent whispers sound,
Life's journey ends in sacred grounds.

Through seasons' turn, from youth to waning years,
People like wind, who come and Go,
We navigate through joys, through hopes and fears,
Through guilt, sorrow, anger and tears.
Yet, in the end, all roads lead to the mound,
Where life's eternal journey is earthbound.

Just Being kind in the world of lacking morality,
Let us live with love, with courage, and with grace,
For every soul will find its resting place.
In nature's arms, where peace is finally found,
All these years we yearned for it and
The journey ends, in hallowed ground.

© RV Patil