

This is just an Outburst

You love people to infinity
You accept them the way they are
You make them happy
All you get is a mirror to your mistakes

What's fucking wrong
Is that your acceptance
becomes your nature
your love your weakness
your care, just granted

One mistake
And you are named Incapable
They struggles are forgotten
The achievements are forgotten

But it's enough now
Say it at my face
And I will prove u wrong
I am not worthless

Underestimating me
Is your biggest mistake
I have done it earlier
I will do it again

Seal every mouth which
Thinks I am not able enough
My care and patience
It's not a joke baby
My ignorance will be stronger than my love
My determination stronger than my flaws

Enough of mockery
Enough of ted talks
I will prove
My will is stronger than your experience
© Sanika