

Her Life
One thing about her is she never stayed for too long

She’d sweep into your life like a gust of wind,

A whirlwind of energy and light,

And before you knew it, she’d be gone again,

Leaving you breathless in her wake.

She was like a comet in the night sky,

A shooting star that lit up your world for a moment,

And then vanished into the darkness.

But oh, how she burned as she streaked across your life,

Leaving behind a trail of memories and wonder.

Her laughter was contagious,

Her smile infectious,

And her spirit was as bright as the sun,

Radiating warmth and joy wherever she went.

One thing about her is she never stayed for too long,

But the impact she made would linger on,

Like a melody that played on repeat in your mind,

Haunting and beautiful,

A testament to the power of her presence.

Maybe it was her restlessness that drove her to wander,

To seek out new experiences and adventures,

To explore the world and all its mysteries.

Maybe she was afraid of getting too comfortable,

Of becoming too attached,

Of losing herself in the safety and security of routine.

Or maybe she just knew that life was short,

And that every moment was precious,

And that the only way to truly live was to seize the day,

Embrace the unknown,

And never look back.

Whatever her reasons,

There was no denying the magic that she brought to every moment,

The way she could turn an ordinary day into a work of art,

The way she could make you feel alive and free,

Like anything was possible,

Like the world was your playground.

And so, even though she never stayed for too long,

She left an indelible mark on your heart,

A reminder that life is meant to be lived,

That every person we meet is a gift,

And that the fleeting moments of joy we share

Are worth more than all the riches of the world.

So here’s to the ones who come and go,

To the shooting stars that light up our lives,

To the comets that blaze through our skies,

Leaving us breathless and awestruck in their wake.

May we never forget the magic they bring,

And may we always hold them close,

Even when they’re gone.
© Jevanjee