

To The Sad Man
I'm sitting here listening to your music
Notes of sadness pouring through my speakers
I can see everything you've been through
My mind painting pictures of your past

I can hear you crying, crying, crying
I can see how lonely you are
Holding your arms open wide for someone to take you in
Feeling empty inside like everyone has disowned you

I can see you're sad even when you smile
trying to change yourself and let go of your past
better yourself for those around you
heal yourself for those you love

I know you're scared
But don't push those away that care
Hold onto their words as the wisdom to your recovery
don't try and hide who you really are

Life is not for everyone
but it is for you
you have something to live for
and I know how hard you're trying to be better

Hold On...Don't give up...Don't be sad