

The Garden of Smiles
I AWOKE with a start, then woke up my young boy

today'd be a day of adventure and joy

"dad!" said he "where are we going?" my reply

was a great belly laugh and a slap on my thigh

" we're going" I said "to a place you've not been

past the longest of lanes and the bendiest bends

round the curviest curve, up the highest hilltop

once we walked down the hill we've arrived where we'll stop!

so you READY?" "Yes" said he
said I "then let's go!"

Past Long Lane, Bendy Bend, around Curvy Curve Road

as we walked up the hill, I could see in his eyes

that son knew he was in for a SUPER SURPRISE!

At the top of High Hill, we stopped for lemonade

and the yum yummy lunch that his mummy had made

" let's run down son!" I said, "dad" son said "I'm tired"

"Ok son" I said "then let's roll down, like tires"


WE ROLLED down High Hill!
we rolled Fast and then FASTER

The faster we ROLLED made for louder Laugh LAUGHTER!

Then I slowly stopped rolling, with son by my side.

"take a look son" I said, "look around, we've arrived"

so son dizzily stood...
looked, and took a Deep Breath

for in front, behind him, to his right and his left

Was A Garden, that stretched and then stretched more for miles

"Have a look son" I said "At The Garden of Smiles!"

As soon as I said it, son knew it was TRUE

for the Roses Smiled, Daisies Smiled, Tulips smiled too!

Grand smiles smiled up to us, from Each Flower Face


"I love it" son said "can we stay here a while?"

"Of course" I said "son Only Rule is to Smile."

So he took off!! Smiling at Trees, Flowers, and Crickets!

Competing to see who's Big Smile was the BIGGEST

As soon as I thought of smiling he'd grown bored

Son yelled "Look Dad! I Won The Bright Smile Award!"

"Great Job Son!" I said, "you're a Champion Smiler!"

When son heard that, his
Big Bright Smile Just Smiled Wider

He SMILED with the brightest smile I've ever known.

"LET'S GO HOME SON!" I laughed (through a smile of my own.)

Then we took home his Trophy which Grinned All The While

And Son

Always Remembered

The Garden of Smiles