

R U guilty or cursed
to kiss the year that once was new
every second is newborn
every new kiss the first
every last is reborn
you're the same I loved last year
and just new as my wait
every second without you
is longing fulfilled in faith
immortal for you
and what did you do
stripped me of 60 more
still loyalty I'll prove righteously reknewed
I'll prove to you every morn'
And we'll light up the moon
for what else is knew
and old enough to lie in joys arms
for at night stars the sky
depleted as aye
who would notice each star we've named
if they shot down our lives
earned at the most , proof as is we
aged enough to hug the sun
and shine for us to believe
somewhere out there they're howling
at mother moons glow
it's the stars we protect
they replicate her glow
shining by the sun, without her they'd die
where else could dark exist with the light?
so humble is the brightest sky star
to take the hand of the moon
not boastful nor begging
for us she'd die as my lune
you may not stare at me, so I made soft a beast
sun hid behind beauty
her last name like me
shooting stars and alignment so intricate
I could have carved it with my staff
but whoa bright is me, and if she a thief
A double edge sword a gift just for me.
it's love prediction and name. A sign eyes could equally see.
and if that isnt enough, she pondered to speak.
God as our witness, choosing way light and truth.
righteous the product. fulfillment produced.
Dear Lord, King, and God. each has its twin.
for night needs the day. identical in streets.
fraternal in showing how balance identically fits.
you are me and I U. R is an arch pointing you C. For each heart was covered and my twins memory?
Thanks to the all along the path. to remember a stranger that I never met. Healing is life and water is stitched. the weather is controlled by not controlling it. before the golden bowl. before the severed chord. if not we .. remember me. in case you never were born. each word strategically perfect. just love and a heart. protected by wisdom when I needed heir more. above all else guard your heart. the magenet of our e.arth. would they like to breath the air they thought out of four was a curse? for gravity is gifted in thee. each breath a fairy glow. not drivn insane , just a touch and a name. protect the heart even though it not beat. for God gets to give life to walking risen zombies. still a heart to protect thereafter my death. my face could glow light for true. true love is magic. and God let's wit protect it. our will may be asked , but how? not to fret youre walking death, I've walked cross these tricks. And two against the world is my kind of magic. For each has its twine. I love you to bind. all hearts ... it's time you've tried it. to make a few mistakes is innocents face. I'm glad to watch you the entirety you've had it. birth should be joyous. to bring you to light. backtrack I guess. to bring back your light. trust noone but kad. don't take it back.
"how we treat each other is evil "
"can't they read, I'm their equal."
"I'll be in love with heartless for now. a whole to fill where empty is fulfilled."
"how is full a hollow hole?"
wake up beautiful beast.
for light is me. how her face shines.
king or queen . to shine. should birth life
don't fuck with. the hearts of my best.
sweet dreams beast , do t fret.
to starve her is to start war, raw like balance.
what done you to her? man on the moon?
hair recalled of rivers, living waters , and morn.
what are you trying to kill?
even lucifer brings the darkness to light.
if joy the sun and moon dependent.
is she virus or child of mine.?
a place for her written in zeus sky after fade
to show to dance and to play.
dear virus of strength , I know moon is merry
and happy joy to be lit for our shining kids.
how dare you decide without each weight out in bright. rainbow as color and structure that breathes life to life.
framework after outside work. are they two and the same.?
for the bones of the building are the life of the brain. to heaven and back until hell gets a call.
if lucifer angry isn't enough , nor a king , nor a God. if leviathan weeps when it falls in love with the sheep. if the beast is decoded and do kind that we get to eat. even still to kill nature, which all of us are. to kill instinct or to deny it or to trade it farewell.
mustnt you know that earn means no trade. sold not I nor to U nor to parents was gave.
only guess is to fathom is dirty hands heart blood and no grave. clean heart from the start and clean hands only allowed. a slave to the God of God's. an angel unbound.
to control the sea with position in sky. to control the 7 poisonous seas on lands guide.
the cure all to home. to all of earth's heart.
who better to do it than to turn gold a blackened heart. and what do with gold? emotionless again. never learning an ounce and immortal not wanted.
immortal in setting. jumped in front of the curse. the heart still not beating, Annuit.y. Annie. who's first? a broken heart will mend . free angel will chose loyalty respect love and wit. How do you wonder is she still bind to God. ? it's a choice. a decision. so God can go on. Choosing to love in the most difficult of thymes. to want to give up, but bowing together and knowing what's right. to meet the difference and weigh with blind eyes. that's like a scale that God gave to aye. Innocence can be measured by human intellect. how dangerous to judge each creature God created or grafted right in. The Lord detests uneven scales. And never did you know. a person as a sign. But not the sign. a balance you send to hell's. uneven is she , for no heart means 1 thief. and all has their place if they betrayed themselves. you dont have to love the gifts of the earth. you just have to abuse the ones that you earn. passed down heirloomy , that's not how we do. to earn is to heir. to cover is to loom.
love covers a multitude.
and what are you trying to kill?
each has its twin, we all have free will.

happy new years
I love you.
© chorus chrubble