

When I die
When I die
I don't wanna come back to this lifetime.
When I die
I just wanna stop breathing in peace.
I want to start rotting on a fresh, green grass
Laying on the ground
And being a part of a beautiful view
Where the sun goes down
Making skies orange or pink.

When I die
I wanna be left in the forest
Under green leaves on the trees above me
For all of this beautiful creatures to eat me,
To be fuel by my dead body
Which was never really fuel by it's owner.

When I die
I wanna slowly disappear
Starting from my skin
Going through all of my soft tissues
Ending on my bones.

When I die
I don't want to come back
As a human
As a dog
Or as a lion.
I want to come back as a butterfly
Because it represents my fragility.
I hope that I'll finally be pretty and skinny --
Just like a butterfly,
Just like I always wanted to be.

When I die
I want peace.
That peace that I always wanted,
That I was carving for so long.

When I die
I wanna be happy
I want to close my eyes and let myself become unity with the ground underneath me
The clouds above me
And the wind rubbing my dying skin.

When I die
I want to stop worrying about small things -
To stop overthinking,
To stop.
I want it all to stop.
Just let me fly away
With the first windblow
And let me finally be free.