

unspoken Words
Yearning for ears to listen to my cries,
filled with hope for eyes to see my ache;
for heart to feel my pains,
for aid to seek my way.
if only I could be recognized.

the mask, that came for protection,
becomes a prevention;
that hinders me from being heard,
ridding me off any help,
covers my identity,
leaving me unrecognized.

the mask, that came for protection, becomes an obstacle;
that block off my words from listening ears,
hiding away my feelings,
leaving me in hunger.

looking ahead with tearful eyes;
blurry, for I couldn't see clearly,
I couldn't decipher, what the future holds for me,
Now!, i lifts my head up at the sky, in falling tears,
seeking for a clear vision,
requesting for the restrictions to be lifted,
So I can breathe again.

© Amotulrosheed 🌹