

The days of
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood,

The days of despair and perseverance,
Are not easy to forget,
They tell the tale,
Of my sweet success,

The days of heartbreak and trauma,
Are too easy to reminisce,
Most vivid memory no matter,
How I try my mind to fool,

The days of jubilance and ecstasy,
Are too tough to hold on accurately,
Stupid mind starts playing tricks,
Exaggerating facts turning into fantasy,

The days of failure and humiliation,
Are worth remembering,
Shows the chinks in your armour,
Provides an inspiration for improving..

The days of rebellion and arrogance,
Are so stupid that you roast your own adolescence,
Hormones driving the teenage mind,
Funny snippets of your existence

© paradoxicalpenman