

Titanic: Love's Voyage
On it's deck, they met and smiled,
Jack and Rose,
Two souls beguiled.
A love that bloomed amidst the sea,
A passion that yearned to be free.

Their world were different,
they knew it well.
Yet they embraced their love,
rebellious and swell.

A love story, to be forever told,
through the highs and lows of the sea.
Their love grew stronger,
wild and free.

Hand in hand, they walked and talked.
Promising to hold eachother,
forever locked.
But eventually the iceberg struck
And The Titanic sank.

They held eachother, and whispered in ears.
"I'll never let go, I'll always be near".
As the waters rose,
they held on tight.

Love in their hearts, and courage in their sight.
In tragedy's embrace, they found their love...

Years have passed,
But their love still lives on,
The stars above and the ocean blue,
Their love shines bright, forever anew.

A love story so pure,
A symbol that'll forever endure.
A tale of passion, hope and sacrifice.

And love,
An eternal flame that'll never die.

© #Sherlocked