

Thought thou...
Thou have been ignoring the little things out of awry,
considering the garden is full of thorns,
in the search of eternal joy,
the wanderers have missed the call, where from.

Thought thou are the preachers of truth,
but you even blame your faults on God,
mistooking yourself to be an angel,
when you believe there is no demon in this war.

These self-proclaimed achievements,
can't even prove it, maybe thy equations are all wrong,
judgements are meant to be made, so be on guard,
questions need answers, thy can't escape forever and far.

Playing pretend, victimized and the leftover scars,
wonder how much hours you wasted on what if and what if not,
it has been wonderful for cliches but some strings are broken in guitars,
the crestfallen souls, ever thought thy lost the battle, before the fought.

Digging the graves to hold memoirs in heart,
just to please the soul, there is light in the dark,
thought thou are oracle, but got no chances of surviving even after the Renaissance,
and don't even know, if the priest hadn't saved the boy, the well known dictator was never born!

© Imagine