

The Story
Will you listen, while tell you a story?
This story starts from a long ago time, when the moon wasn't touched by the light of the sun, only knowing it's self and nothing else.
Once the ocean didn't have a shore.
The ocean couldn't tell how far to spread it's wave's, it didn't know what it was searching for.
It was cought-up in it's flow , so nothing else could grow.
A time in the past when the moon didn't notice the sun and the ocean couldn't tell where it begun.
Then the moon found its star and the ocean found its shore.
The moon could feel that it be a part of something real and the ocean had found its land so it had something to talk to.

It was millions of years before it became clear that one was part of other.
Now the ocean loves to lapse over it's shore and the moon embraces the light of the sun and their love can never be undone.

Neither asking for anything more, then the gentle touch that has such beauty, it can't be described, only seen with your own eyes.

What they didn't know was that one always belonged to the other, so they stay as they were, (lone) before they found what they had what they been searching for.

I wanted to tell you this story so you'll know, that although I haven't touch the sun or found where the ocean first wanted to know it's shore. I know this for sure.

The sun illuminates It's moon with loving light as I watch one chase the other across sky during the night or when I listen to the ocean talk to it's shore I can understand that I'm in the presence of something pure.

When I tell you this, I mean it as much the same as I have explained.
Your the beginning, of who I always should have been.
The beauty I've been following.

I've bent down below the sun, kneeled down in front of the ocean and it's shore while they were in deep conversation as all the times before.

Time, has always brought me back here to start life over again
This is a place, were I leave my thoughts a place that I forgot and where I good-bye to start a new life.

I admit , that I have left you so many times before. I just couldn't say that what I needed was a place that had your face.

I've been chasing you, your the light that guides me though the night the shore that whisper's beneath the ocean floor.

I start with you, this is my truth, nothing more.
If you must choose, choose me, join our eternity's

© jun.klost96#broken