

The tempest for meditation

"The Tempest for Meditation"

Amidst life's turmoil, a stormy sea
A refuge sought, for tranquility
The tempest rages, wild and free
Yet, in its heart, serenity

_I. Turbulent Skies_

Dark clouds gather, thunder rolls
The winds howl loud, with chaotic souls
But amidst the storm, a calm descends
A quiet center, where peace transcends Eye of the Storm_

A stillness found, within the vortex's sway
A refuge from life's chaotic disarray
The tempest's roar, becomes a gentle hush
As meditation's peace, begins to rush

In the storm's heart, a mirror's gaze
Reflects the soul, in quiet, peaceful ways
A time for introspection, and self-discovery
As the tempest's fury, sets the heart free

_IV. Calm After the Storm_

The turbulence passes, the sun shines bright
A rainbow's promise, of peaceful sight
The tempest's roar, now a gentle breeze
As meditation's calm, brings inner ease

_V. Serenity's Embrace_

In the tempest's heart, a peaceful nest
A refuge from life's wild, restless quest
Meditation's solace, a guiding light
Through life's storms, to serene delight.

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