

Smile at Life
Earth is a happy place to live..
But unhappy in our own race..
Yet peaceful in God's words..
Hopeful in God's decisions..

Keeping all worries aside,
Smiling to every face..
Cheering & Inspiring each one,
On a positive note..

People who are happy,
Are not happy really..
But they chose to be,
And spread the same..

Life is not easy,
But we laugh like crazy..
Dancing our souls like daisy and
Singing our hearts like fairy..

Roving on troubles like ferry,
Casting away worries in hurry..
Replacing them all with Merry..

Worries are just clouds..
Are shadow of sadness..
Not permanent..
Vanishes in time..

There is a sword of Light..
Peircing into the dark sight..
Bringing happiness in flight..
Just be on positive side..
With heartful of hope..
© Hana
#mywords #mythoughts