

Betrayal (A poem about people's ignore of Indian independence)
This land on which we walk upon with pride and honour,
Once was the battlefield of warriors blazing with fury and hope,
Only from their blood and sacrifices that we got this heaven to us,
Oh how we claimed it ours so fast then we forgot about our past.

As we moved away from darkness and are entering a bright future,
‌As a young nation with numerous ways for our youth to excel,
It's ethical for us to forget the atrocities we endured,
We need not remember our sufferings that way, but how they were taken away.

Glory to the ones who paved us the way,
Tears for those whose lives were taken away,
We do celebrate our liberty and we did take our vows,
‌This nostalgic wind that blows, says, it's all meaningless without commemorating these marty souls.

Towards freedom, these legends happily gave away their lives imagining us there,
Lost their memories, we betrayed their spirits now that we have finally made it here.

On the surface, we all show that we care,
But deep inside, you do know what's there.

© RG