

An Unsung Melody

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed.

Yet within her, a universe thrives,
Dreams and hopes that her heart contrives.
A silent strength that defies the norm,
A quiet fire that keeps her warm.

Her hands may be calloused, but they hold grace,
Planting seeds of determination in life's race.
For every sunrise and sunset she's seen,
A warrior's spirit within her keen.

Though her story may not be loudly sung,
It's woven in every day she's strung.
A testament to resilience, unwavering might,
Guiding her through both darkness and light.

So let her be celebrated, cherished, known,
A force of nature that's powerfully grown.
In the tapestry of life, she's a thread,
A symphony of strength, where words aren't said.

#english #englishpoems #poetry #poet #melody #triumphs

© Christine