

In the shackles of sin
I'm bound
I'm oppressed
I carry heavy a burden
My load is cumbersome
They're loads of sin and guilt
How can I be free is all my heart can say

I'm bound with chains of iron
My heart pours out larva of bitterness
Fresh breath I can't take in
I'm stuck by my own smell
I'm left an inane soul
These are thought that engulfed my mind

I yearn for freedom
It didn't show forth
I groan for happiness
It wasn't in sight
My heart covets peace
There wasn't space to accommodate

All of a sudden
There emerges a saviour
He unloosed my shackles
He broke into pieces
My chains of iron

He gave me peace unquantifiable
A new name I'm called
A new story I tell
A new garment I wear
And then it echoed
"I'm Free"
© princess vicky