

Wasted Education
Talking about the way it be,
Education around my community,
Shoving itself down my throat.
It's in tatters,
It's a mess,
And we're all subjugated to be under arrest
And forced to go to a building made,
For workers back in the good ol days.

Yet, getting to the nitty gritty,
Students dont feel like they belong,
Been forced and strung along,
Like beads on a bracelet.
So fragile that they can snap,
And bam back in the cell under lock and key,
Oh I'm sorry I meant therapy.

They can't go talking about their feelings,
Without feeling like they'll be ignored,
And ignoring their emotions,
Bring out a notion that
You say you dont care.
I dont think you do.

But if those posters on the walls mean anything,
Than I guess I stand corrected.
I stand correcting you,
And all the bs that us students been put through.

How am I supposed to do my taxes,
When the only thing I know about a 401k,
Is that I'm supposed to 401 pay
To go and get a higher education,
And that higher education is the only thing that will help me get a good enough job,
To then pay back those classes that I already paid to sit in.

So honestly, listen. I understand that we have to pay, but dont have us sacrificing our minds to fit an agenda that in time will crumble beneath our feet.
© Liyah Lee