

Summer Days
These are the days we long for the most
We imagine what it would be like to be on sandy beaches, breeze floating through the air, birds chirping and for those who prefer the sweet river water flowing trees dancing along.
The thought of not being at school rushes through our minds no more waking early or stressful assignments. These very thoughts make us appreciate the last days of school even more
Everyone planning ahead of time what they will be doing and how their summer will be the best
We find ourselves caught in a delima a day dream the best state of mind there is but the downfall to this dream is we anticipate it as if the time will never end and there comes an end
This slaps us hard and fast like a bird with a broken wing being pulled towards the hard cold ground by gravity and in that very moment we are hit with unexpectations, fear and just a bliss of what we once had
That very end is the most tragic of all we then realize like summer days everything in life must come to an end. # WonderingThoughts
© Kellisa Fuller