

The Battle:

She floats like a dream,
Before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds,
The dying cries of the soldiers...
The large stainless steel body swallowing large amounts of salted sea liquid along with debris and human bodies,

The alarming cries of fear and sadness from soldiers who had fought for their country out on the deep ocean this day one last time,

Captian Miller/ Fleet Admiral had stood firm behind the his battle ship's helm, holding steady his position and his post, ordering his lower ranks to save his men, although sacrificing his life one last time for his country.

The soldiers who stood behind were all decorated before this tragic events for bravery, leadership and courage they live up to these qualities till their last dying breath,

As the stainless steel mother exerted her engines fighting to stay afloat for her remaining children, she too drew her last breath, gasping for air while sinking from the surface and drowning like the soldiers before her,

The last moments of terror and disaster brought upon a heavy silence with which the surviving soldiers held onto floating debris and fought against exhaustion and hyperthermia, fighting to stay conscious from exsanguination.
Those left with hope coursing through their veins assisted their weakened comrades, and those who had drifted away from the crime scene towards the enemies ships, had been taken captive by their comrade's murderers.

The soldiers hearts cried out to the night sky, praying that their cries would be heard by the heavens or God. Some sang their country's anthem in unison arousing the strength and adrenaline for survival; some were kissing their loved one's pictures or silver lockets, while calling out their names and apologising to the faces on the stained pictures, these memories and goodbyes could die with them.

As these soldiers start to lose hope a large stainless steel creature submerges from the depths of the ocean, sounding an alarming horn of anger towards it's foes battleship, she is like the goddess of the sea to the remaining soldiers. She fires missiles towards the enemies and sinks their ships that have murdered her sister ship.

The submarine's sail hatch opens up and naval seals jump out to rescue their surviving comrades as well as retrieve the lost souls.

The Sister ship defends and redeems her sisters dignity and respect by destroying her murderers to oblivion.
It's a new hour and new morning with redemption from their country's previous tragedy and battle out on the vast sea, the sun rises in the west as the old day of a lost battle falls away.

It was nothing like the "Pyrrhic Victory" in "the Battle of the Bunker Hills," instead this naval army came back with motivated commanders and spirited naval seals and officers to gain the advantage of the War.

They raised their flags with excitement, confidence and spirit.

They might have lost resources and soldiers in a battle yesterday, but in this new day they have won the War.

Tears are shed for the lost souls that have not died in vain, and they sing their anthem this time with their heads held high and cry out the words, Victory!!!!

© Letavia Anastacia James (L.A.J)