

On a Journey...
Genre : Poem
Author : Uwanuakwa Isidore Chinaemelum Johnberchmans

Life ! Life !! Life !!!
Tears fill my eyes and was running down…
Questions keep coming from two voices.The questions were :
Will the tears change the past ? Will it correct the mistakes ?
Will it clear the scars of the wounds recieved ?
While these questions were coming up, A gentil voice and spirit kept saying to me
Mind you dear friend,
tears will rather block your vision, Clean up the tears and you will see clearly the future,
And its possible mistakes, its hills and valleys, its promises,
its lessons, its friends and enemies, its loves and hates,
its opportunities and its hopes. When the voice and the gentil spirit ended,
I was courageous to ask : why should I clean up my tears of consolation and healing ?
The voice and gentil spirit replied ; you have to do as I have advised you, so as to avoid more accidents of life and to learn from the past mistakes because
you are on a journey.
© Son of Calasanz