

Good Day for Rain
Remove this thought out of my head
this isn't the time, brain, for imagining
Please get that image out
and never repeat the sequence
show some compassion
I don't need to envision how it happened
The panic in her voice once realization bore into her soul
I don't need to hear in her golden tone, her cadence that made her strong
become frail and break apart
Why are you trying to piece together a mystery
you're not Sherlock Holmes
even if you solve it, what's the prize for being correct
what good would curiosity serve
if your heart is served sadness on a silver platter
for dessert empathy
even though you have no idea how unbearable that feeling could ever be
You're not in her shoes
so please stop trying to recreate her path
your size outweighs hers
she lived longer than you have
For every moral reason imaginable
please stop trying to conjure up the picture
of her waking up in her bed
to have her husband not follow her instead...
Context, we lost a resident yesterday
a good man, a husband to someone
a father to more
he was a good soul and now it rests somewhere in the afterglow
so my mind is trying to place his departure
unknowingly picturing the distraught nature of his wife
while I'm trying to reign it in
shut it off
Why would I want that image to live rent free in my head
when I want them to fall back and grieve
believe he's in a better place
that he was never filled with hate
that now he'll know no rage
that all he'll know is happy days
I wanted to avoid one more use of this phrase
cause this day is not for me
I only received the news
but today is a good day for rain
too bad it already snowed
and it would have frozen over

© Crowthepoet