

To my younger self
If you met my younger self today
Look in the corners,
You'll find her right there
Hidden by darkness
And the entwine in her hair,
Her nose is in a book,
With her head in the clouds
Hiding scars from the world
Away from the crowds.
Each day's filled with
The absence of the words
You wonder what would happen,
If she let them out into the light,
And tell the world all the parts of her story
Of the words haven't told,
And stories that trapped her.
Even though I've learned so much more,
She is braver than she thinks she is,
But fear for her just wakes her up
One day she will change it all,
The tiny fighter, small but stronger
To view life through her eyes,
I wore her scars like an honor.
-Janhavi M. N
© Janhavi M. Nivendkar🌻