

why so life I work without pay off
shall I start the journey
Or shall I be no more
a part of this journey
my life keeps on changing
it's style
shall I adjust
or shall I reject the life
you think about desire'passion 'peace
they all kiked me out
shall I hate 'hater
or shall I love the life
I am tired to try again
I am a night
with no flame
the light is to far
I am behind
I got myself enslaved by my name
in the emotional bar with a game
time change
wound claim
that shall I rebel
or shall I repel
whatever happend with me
because of me
or I was not in that so ever in my name
you know the life
it has cutted me
like a knife
I was wrapping my pain
behind my tears
he who were rolling
down through my cheeks
when I seek loneliness
I breathe less
with self as self less
shall I breathe more
or shall I be no more
tention taught me
to seek the knowledge
that how I should get
my head out
which is burning
very loud
my heart is shevering
when I think to breathe
in a empty air
which is so clear
I am in fear
because I hear
that I can't be
what I want to swear
I can't hold over what I swore
I break the rules.
my life was braked by fools
I was afraid of darkness
because I had heard
dark are bad
u should never had
now my luck pushed
me to live in dark
the past was stock
whom upon right now I am
feeding a lot
my dream remain unfulfilled
I was seeking passion
I got a failure
and I learnt to live in patience
the space remind me
of those face
which are of the unkown
because of abstart race
whom with I was competing
I did whatever I did
I just got paid for it
the hope the trust
got brust
when I saw
innocent heart
crying a lot
he was trying to help
but he remain in alas
he thought he lost
but he is too in hury
he think a lot
his heart was throbbing in thrust
because he had never seen lust
upon this know to unkown crust
mt regret beacame a lighted frame
he who everytime
search me in my name
and say me where
is my mistake
and where I should I end my game
peace of past
now become
a dream of my thought.
love is lost
beacause I don't know
why the world is so fast
in between the judging
right and wrong
why they take no time
why the hurt us
even though the know that
the same can brust them
in between knowing
the life kesar iqbal
want to get lost
either in dream
or in this wordly radeem
© alone life