

Man was saddled with guilt,bitterness,grieve and all that sin has to offer. The place and grace of "SONSHIP"was forfited
Man was held down by sin,damnation,stagnation and death and fear enveloped man.
The father turned HIS back on the human race,but HIS glory still radiated and mercy spoke on our behalf.
The precious Lamb of God bore our shame and guilt and took it to Calvary. A place of death of flesh,exchange of damnation for ETERNAL LIFE,even the father could not behold HIS son....
We deposited in him our sins,guilt,bitterness,grieve misfortunes,but death could not hold him down.
He rose with power,grace,strenght,victory and glory,and MERCY found and qualified us the withdraw all these following the law of deposit and withdrawa...What love is greater than this!!
Enjoy the joy and priviledge of RESURRECTION.Acknowledge that your existence was bought by the blood of the most precious being. Enjoy true fellowship and partake in the heavenly blessing by surrendering all of you to HIM that is able to save...