

What lies beyond this life we live,
No-one will truly know.
Some people say there's an afterlife,
Some people say its cold.
Darkness reigns but at least there's peace,
At least there's no more pain.
The only ones that suffer,
Are the ones that knew my name.
The ones that truly loved me,
The ones that truly cared.
They lie awake at night,
Remembering the life we shared.
Hoping one day we will reunite,
And reminisce of old times.
But while they wait for that day to come,
Many years will have passed by.
But I will always be there to keep them safe,
There memories will never die.
There memories shine as bright as stars,
But they can also make them cry.
So I sit here comfy in a chair I once owned,
Watching them from a far.
Being there when they truly need me,
Helping heal old scars.
But they will always have time to mourn me,
Remembering a life well lived.
Smiling whenever my name is said,
But crying deep down within.
So until we meet again on that faithful day,
That unbreakable bond shines on.
Because each time I'm remember,
I will never truly be gone.
© P.A.Nelson