

Dance with Darkness
In shadows deep where demons dwell,
A whispered tale of heaven and hell,
A siren's call with a deadly sting,
Heroin, the tarnished angel's wing.

A dance with darkness, a deadly trance,
A mirage of solace in a fateful chance,
A treacherous path, deceptive desire,
With each blurry high, hearts falter and tire.

In veins it flows, like venom it weaves,
A temporary bliss, the soul it deceives,
Euphoria and numbness collide as one,
A lost journey where innocence is undone.

Oh, heroin, the merciless embrace,
Your grip tightens, leaving only traces,
Of broken dreams and shattered lives,
As love and hope quietly dies.

It starts with a whisper, a tempting taste,
A silent battle that's too often faced,
Fears left behind in a hazy haze,
As lives unravel in twisted maze.

But let us not forget the souls ensnared,
Searching for solace, weak and scared,
Lost amidst despair's cruel reign,
Yearning for freedom, breaking their chain
© dougienever