

Drunken In Love
In the realm of love, a dance begins,
Intoxicating as the finest of wines.
A spirit aflame, a heart that's smitten,
In love's embrace, I am truly smitten.

Like a drunken sailor lost at sea,
I stumble upon love's mystery.
Inebriated by passion's sweet elixir,
I surrender to love, an enchanting mixer.

With every sip, my inhibitions fade,
Revealing emotions that cannot be swayed.
I'm drunk on laughter, on whispered words,
Lost in the euphoria, where desire stirs.

Love's nectar flows through veins like fire,
Igniting a yearning, a burning desire.
In this intoxicated state, reason departs,
Leaving room for love's intoxicating arts.

Like a wild dance in the midnight hour,
Love spins me 'round with its captivating power.
I am lost in a haze, a spellbinding trance,
Drunk on love's essence, in a passionate dance.

With each heartbeat, I'm consumed anew,
Intoxicated by love's vibrant hue.
In this state of bliss, I am truly free,
Swimming in the depths of love's limitless sea.

But let not reason be completely undone,
For love's intoxication can weigh a ton.
In the realm of love, let judgment be wise,
To savor the sweetness, but not lose sight of the skies.

So, let me revel in this drunken delight,
In love's embrace, where day turns to night.
For intoxicated or sober, I'll cherish the thrill,
Of being immersed in love's intoxicating will.
© IAmWord