

Ulysses in the city..
Ulysses in the city..
By: Hikmet Elhadj
(to: Helena Flohr)

Me and my colleague John
Went for black coffee
At the espresso house
Standing in the square
in the center of the coastal city
He left me to lie
while we were sitting
And I drowned in "semla" foam
and "blueberry tart" smile
We talked about school poison
And laughed at the triviality of life
As Africa and Asia
meet on the baldness of Europe
I won lottery legs today
So I want to buy enough hate
To fill a coat from "Dress Man"
We got up and went
and filled out the Hell Squad joining form
that will be camping with Hamlet in Denmark
John bought a black hat with a gray stripe
And I bought tall-necked shoes to wear the wind under me
We thought a little bit about Omicron and got scared
We ended our day by going to the "Coop" store
Where we met a Salmon fillet
Escape from the sweltering seas of Norway
John bought bread against the tide
With a sip of pepper from the blackness of thyme
While I'm butter I don't like it
Because it melts when the sun goes down
the next day.

© hikmet