

Motherless Bird
Tear stained face befriended the
Lonely horizon
Swollen eyes gaze at the vanished Shadows of a wild imagination
Reminiscing the familiar feeling of Warmth under protective wings

I am a motherless lonesome little bird
Left in the nest to survive on my own After that raging thunder storm
It was but only yesterday that I heard
The sweet music of a thudding heart
With my ear still glued to your Soothing bosom

Quite so hard I find it to accept that your unconditional love could slip Through my fingers like water
Without even a goodbye kiss
The gay feeling of having the strongest
Anchor at my back
Was mercilessly swallowed up by the Opened Earth

Hoping to catch a glimpse of your
Lovely smile from the heart
Here I am refusing to believe it is but
A futile hot chase after the wind
Pain weighs down my fragile heart
Coupled with the indelible scar of
Knowing the belly from where
I come breathes no more

© Olivia Nutifafa