

I sit on the corner of the bed with my head bent down,
blushing in secret...
a wild thought of that "someday"..
That someday when your hand will trace my back from behind..
and your soft deep voice,
whispering romantically with breath of control,
"come inside now, close to me".

I would want to turn around, I would want to kiss you...
but why should you get that so easy?
..I'll make you wait.
I'll feel your hand growing impatient and reckless on me..
and I'll wait.
I'll feel you getting closer and closer, I'll wait.
I'll know your body's warmth touching mine and your lips on my neck...
I'll wait still.

I know you will whisper again, you know what your voice does to me.
"Azman, I need you."...my heart blasting against my chest, blood rushing through my face...
I'll try not to, but ill turn around and look in your deep blue eyes, like the ocean and sky united in love...

Everynight,I imagine the taste of your breath,
I imagine the look in your eyes...
I imagine the warmth of your skin..
and the impatience on your face..
and like all nights, I lose myself into you.

© AzmanskyHerrmann