

free verse... broken
You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more...

in your words I lost every sense..
every sense of optismism,
I cried,crawled,'was tense
I tried to please you,
I missed it,
I lost my last strength, just for your approval...

so tell me now,
what would you have me believe?
I must have been dumb,
and now my bones have gone numb,
these feelings are trapped,
locked Away by my insignificance,
Don't tell me you were helping,
your generosity plunged me into something deep...

so deep is the wound,
so deep would I ever think it would heal,
my freedom you caged,
my quietness you took for wickedness,
my innocence you took for foolishness...

so just tell me now!
would I love you again?
why was my silence a game?
why was my outspokenness
taken for disobedience, disrespect!
would I trust you again?
would I need you again?

...and now I'm running,
running from you,
running from family,
running from love,
running from anxiety,
running from... myself.

© Ani .T. chinaza