

What is True Happiness?
It is easy to fake a smile.
It is easy to force a laugh.
Is it just to fit your style?
or is it to hide the flaws of your behalf?
The prettiest smile is just an accessory,
underneath to to hide the traumatizing story.

Being popular and changing your colour,
just to be loved you change to another.
Getting high grades and suffer quietly,
just to please someone delightly.
Why try to be someone your not,
if you you want to untangle your knot.

Why change if your dying inside.
But show that your OK outside.
If you want to be happy,
you have to accept yourself eventually.
In life we may encounter many defeats
but we shall not be defeated.

Confidence of making things right,
can bring happiness in sight.
It is better to let go of the grudge we hold,
and to forgive is what we're told.
True happiness is never gone.
It's just not drawn.
© Green flower🍃