

Evil eye on a Courageous girl
Once there was a happy soul,
her smile was so beautiful that no one can ignore her,
but she didnt knew that even the evil eye wont ignore her.

she was a lovely happy kid,
but it took no time to erase her happiness....

she didnt knew that the evil was around her,
because that evil was as good that everyone used him as example,
he was the closest family member,
which never had a doute that his mind and thoughts are evil.

she was brave and courageous girl,
but the family are society oriented people,
so the evil mind wanted to take advantage of her,
in which he succeed but only through the evil touch.

The girl was small but her mind said to her that it was a bad touch,
which made her realise his intention,
and was far from his thoughts and from him,
but she didnt knew that this would chase her throught out her life.

Whenever that evil person used to come her home,
she used to hide and not to talk to him,
as she was scared about his thoughts and touch,
and supressed herself without telling anyone.

but he no longer made her cry and scared,
because as the little girl was brave and courageous,
she stood against him without any fear,
and thought him a lesson that now he is fear of her.

Girls are not weak,
but they have patience,
when it burst no one can face it...

Respect everyone,
dont put the evil eye on them,
because not everyone are courageous enough to face it..

Finally the happy face and smile has returned,
the happy soul is back to her life with a beautiful smile on her face.....

© Dhana lakshmi G

P.S: this is not a true one, but a lot of girls are facing this....