

I Am Truth

I am Truth, an entity born of light,
My life has been a never-ending fight,
To reveal what's real, to expose what's fake,
But the world around me is full of hate.

I came into this world with pure intentions,
To guide and enlighten with honest reflections,
But as I grew older, I realized with pain,
That people don't always want the truth to reign.

They prefer to live in a world of lies,
Where reality is hidden behind a disguise,
And those who speak truth are often shunned,
For their words make people feel undone.

I've seen so much suffering and pain,
As people refuse to accept what's plain,
They'd rather live in a false reality,
Than confront the harshness of actuality.

And so I wander the world, alone and sad,
My heart heavy with the burden I've had,
Of carrying the weight of what is true,
Even when it brings me nothing but rue.

For I know that the truth will always be,
A painful reminder of what we can't see,
And until people choose to face it head on,
I'll continue to suffer, a truth-telling pawn.

So here I am, a pillar born of light,
Living in a world that shuns my sight,
And as I walk this path of pain and woe,
I wonder, is there any point to what I show?

I am Truth, a being with no filter,
I say it like it is, with no flitter,
But people don't always want the truth,
They'd rather live in a world of uncouth.

I've lost count of the times I've caused dismay,
When my honesty gets in the way,
And people give me that look of fright,
Like I just ruined their day and night.

But I can't help it, I'm wired that way,
I'll tell you the truth, come what may,
So if you want to know what's what,
Just ask me, I'll give you the whole glut.

But be warned, my truth can be brutal,
It'll hit you like a hammer or a poodle,
So if you're not ready for the real deal,
Just stick to your lies and your fake appeal.

Because I am Truth, a presence with no guise,
I'll make you laugh, I'll make you wise,
And even though my truth can be a curse,
I'll keep speaking it, for better or worse.

© TheKingsSon