

Little he felt,
innocent and fragile.
Unknowingly, his life was going to change.
For he was wrapped,
wrapped in the arms of his maker.
Running, running for his life.

Shadows were seen,
Dark shadows!
Determined to take his life.
Blood eyes,Black spaces.
Flame swords, Black horses.

And then pain...
sharp pain.
The white cloud remained clear,
fixed upon him.

A bloody and evil eyes stared at him,
causing excruciating torment.
Anguish on every part of his body.

Fascinated by the pain it was inflecting,
it kept its gaze...

Then those arms were felt,
Comforting arms.
Holding him closely as he yelled out a loud cry.

His heart hurt,
Eyes opened.
Body filled with both pain and sweat

The came the cry again
A cry he could hear,
One so loud and clear.

A look of confusion as he felt life.
Was is a dream or a nightmare?.
One which is bond to be repeated with the same agony and probably more.

A look of one searching,
Searching for Answers.
Not aware of his existence in a strange world,
Just by a simple word from his saviour "EARTH"

But unknown to him,
That was just the beginning of his "STORY"

@The Boss