

City of doom

© aloine-racheal

Bring forth the sword of injustice
And let it pierce deep the heart of the innocent
His blood shall drip on the cold floor
And shall be set as an example to the poor
The women and children wailed
The oppressive were bailed
And the system of injustice was hailed
Mighty men and women of valour were no more
The oppressed were clothed in rags and survived on foods that were sour.

Darkness loomed round the city of woe
And it was watched day and night, waiting for it's destruction by it's foe
Whose toes the city has stepped on.

Then one dark night
The flood of destruction swept the city of it's worth and arrogance
And it's pride was licked by the sun at day
Before long, the city was wasted
Many claimed it tasted the wrath of nature