

A Sea of Wanting Hands
Everybody is looking for something,
A truth to hold, a lie to cling,
Some seek to use, to find their gain,
Others to abuse, inflict their pain.

In a world where motives hide,
Behind each smile, there's a darker side,
Although trust is fragile, and easily torn,
In hearts once pure, before bruised and worn.

Everybody is looking for something, some seek to use, to take their fill,
Others to abuse, to bend your will.
While in the shadows, hearts will hide,
With intentions dark, their kindness lied

But not all seek with selfish eyes,
Some search for love, where kindness lies,
In a sea of wanting hands,
Genuine souls make their stand.

So guard your heart, be wise and true,
Discern the ones who cherish you,
For amidst the users and the takers,
Are the rare, the gentle, and the makers

Go tread with care, but also trust,
In a balance fair, in judgments just,
For while some may seek to use or harm,
Many are ready to offer a helping arm!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo