

To the king of dreams...
I hope you find my letter,
I hope it's a worthy header,
of all there is,
and all that's to come,
you know all in form,

Words have forsaken my tongue,
inspiration has left my spirit,
you blessed me with nightmares,
night after night,
on the days of my tribulation,

I thought it was a sweet curse,
but you said it was a bitter blessing,
I bore and swallowed my wails through the night,
You'd visit, pat me on the back,
grace me with a smile,
but give me no comfort,

Did you enjoy my salty tears dear king?
did they make your throne shine brighter?
I begged the moon to plead with you,
but the queen of the night turned a blind eye,
It's been 8 months sire,

You've paid me another visit,
might I ask, what you may need of me now?
Your strength is admired,
without you, the greatest of men will fall,
grant me an audience,

I do not wish for fame or fortune,
at least not yet,
just a dinner over my woes,
she's still locked away king,
I can't get her out,

For all that it's worth,
for all that you are,
a word and a wish is all it would cost,
to break her chains and let her live,
she's all that I have left.

© Nehita Williams