

When Next We Kiss
Tracing a myriad of patterns on your chest
Feeling the beating of your heart
Breathing in the smell that is you, so masculine, so enticing

Looking into your eyes
Hoping to capture every single detail
Storing it in the depths of my memory
So I never have to forget

I'll savor every moment
When you graze my lips
I'll remember the taste of you
When I bite your lip
I'll remember the taste of you

I'll hold onto you tightly
Limbs entangled
So our two hearts beat as one
And it feels like we have forever

I'll close my eyes and kiss you slow
Losing myself in the sweet taste of your lips
Then I'll kiss you with an urgency
I could devour you

When next we kiss
I will love you tender, stroke you gently
Then I will let loose my caged wolf
Ravage you, feast on you
Looking into your very soul
So I never have to forget
The lingering taste of you
How could I ever forget?

© Black Mango