

To drown or not to drown

Hearts are like paper,
they drown in emotion,
maybe that's why they're termed "paper hearts".
I pondered,
should I drown in this love of mine
or let it linger,
so I sought counsel from my heart,
if I'm in love with my love or inlove with love.
While some sink and perish,
some deceive and reap what karma sows,
some endure pain that wrings love dry from their souls,
while others give abundantly, even with a withered heart, receiving none of their own.
If you scaled any heart, it would tip the tides beyond measure, too heavy to weigh,
and why few realise its life's greatest treasure remains a mystery unanswered,
a clumsy heart matched with a tardy mind,
could mean survival or demise,
In this hotpot of earthly ties.
And when they cautioned me to shield it, as I wore it on my sleeve,
as sharp as my mind remained,
I failed to grasp that my heart fluttered at the slightest breeze.
Yes, some may drown in emotion,
but as our creator designed,
not to drown in emotion, but to be filled in love.

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