

She Changed
Everyone including her bestfriend crossed the line,
Everyone knew she had a line,
Everyone has a line that no one should cross,
Everyone knew that family was a line no one should cross,
Especially with her,
But they did,
And they got the whiplash,
They learnt never to cross the line again.
Though it still effected her greatly,
When she snapped something inside of her changed,
She learnt that not everyone stays,
Not everyone is kind,
And she learned to only trust the people who trust her,
After all trust is a two way street.
So she changed out of her happy-go-lucky ways,
She stopped being a pushover,
She stopped letting herself be walked on,
She stopped wearing her heart on her sleeve,
She stopped letting people in,
She stopped trusting,
She stopped smiling for everything,
And she stopped giving in to demands.
Instead she pushed back when being pushed,
She stomped on the people trying to walk on her,
She kept her heart locked up and hidden under her bed,
She didn't let anyone in and didn't share her secrets,
She pushed everyone away in fear of being betrayed,
She scowls and glares at everyone to stay away from her,
And she ignored the demands and gave her own demands.
No one outside the group that pushed her to far knew why,
Why she closed off,
Why she pushed everyone away,
Why she stopped smiling,
Why fought back when she never did,
Why started to give demands,
And how she got so much confidence.

© The Scarlett poet