

Silver Mirror
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray...
Standing in front of this silver mirror
I see my past and my present too
I see a damaged and broken girl
I see a lost and needy boy
I see a child who just needed love
I see a mother who just wanted her baby
I see a father with no roof and no job
Oh I see who I truly am
But my silver mirror is not one to stop there
Looking into this mirror
I see my choices and present live
I see the hate I have harboured for so long
I see my pain and confusion rise
I see mist for the future is unknown
Silver mirror
Why do you taunt me?
I envy you
You do not need to make choices
You have no regrets
You are truly beautiful
In just your own simplicity
Adorned with golden rays
And cuddled by the moonlight
Oh silver mirror
Do you even truly know pain?
You mock me by revealing just how shallow I am
You mock me by replacing my designer bags with rags
You mock me by taking off my makeup and showing me bare face with eye bags
Silver mirror
I envy you
For you only reflect what is true
What can be seen in this space for just me and you
My silver
My friend
My confidant
You have seen my errors
Now I want you to watch me become like you
I will be adorned by the sun
And the moonlight will cuddle me
Oh dearest silver
Do reflect my changed self
For in you I can see my very soul

© Blossom Obi