

It makes me sick
it makes me sick.
Why are people allowed to have kids but have the choice to care for them or not?
This makes no since to me.
Children are a blessing.
Not everyone can have.
You shouldn't have a choice.
You make that child,you should care for that child.
you shouldn't have the choice to be a parent
or not be a parent.
to sign over your rights just because you now deside that that child was a mistake.
it's sickening the children that are born daily with the parents either on drugs,not wanting,not claiming,not taking responsibility for what they created.
it makes me sick.
there's a lot of us who hurt and pray daily for a blessing to be a parent.
but it skipped past us.
You shouldn't be allowed to have a choice.
to be able to sign a paper and your responsibilities be washed away.
that's why there's birth control and condoms to save you from creating something you don't want.
people do drugs and lose there kids everyday to the state and dont see anything wrong with it.
it makes me sick.

© jenniejesterapel