

American Dreaming
I lament the American Dream
That bright future that once shined on the horizon
The dream has become a nightmare
Reality has become dark, frightening, almost grotesque
The great promise of Capitalism
Has devolved into unfettered greed
This land of opportunity has become
A quagmire if hopelessness
The home of the free has become
A social prison
Starving those marginalized
Bleeding them dry
Devoid of advancement
And full of trauma and self doubt
The home of the brave has become
The dwelling place of festering fear
Irrational fear
And we are too quick to sacrifice our freedoms
For security and protection from monsters
That are nothing more then the figments of the powers that be imaginations
Political boogeyman
The United States
Is divided
It is painful
To see such division among our fellow citizens
In a time long past we used to be able to stand together
And face the unknown as one nation
We were never perfect
But we took pride in ourselves as a county
The American Dream was just that
A dream
An imaginary goal
Yes I lament the American dream
Perhaps we’ve been asleep far too long…